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Shaheed Darshan SinghPheruman Public School , G.T. Road , Rayya –143112 (Distt. Amritsar)

Present Scenario
Governing Body : Shaheed Darshan Singh Pheruman Memorial Trust, G.T.Road,Rayya.
Year of Establishment: 9th May 1981
Affiliation: Got itsfirst Affiliation with Central Board of
SecondaryEducation, Delhiw.e.f April 1984
uptoSecondary level i.e. Class X.
First Batch of Class X: 1986
Year of Up-Gradation to SeniorSecondary Classes XI/ XII : April 1999
First Batch of Class XII: 2001 with only 13 students in Medical/
Addition of Commerce stream: 2004
Addition of FMM stream: 2007
CBSE Delhi in collaboration with National StockExchange Mumbai ; Babulal Institution of Financial Market Management Mumbai ,and the School Administration selected 58 schools country wide and only seven (07) in Punjab to start 10+1/10+2in Financial Market Management. This school was the only one in Majha Belt of Punjab to get this stream. 28 students appeared in thefirst batch of AISSC (Class XII) Examination held in March 2009, and manystudents got distinction at National level.

PresentStrength of Students: 4280  in 103 Sections from Nur. To XII
Classes No.of Sections No.of Students
Nursery,LKG, UKG, Ist 30 1063
IInd – Vth 28 1146
VIth-VIIIth 22 1009
IX– X 14 630
XI– XII 9 432
Strength of Teachers: 132
Strength of Staff: 210
Number of School buses in the fleet: 26 (52seaters/ 42 seaters/ 31 seaters)01 Maruti Van ( For Administrative Purpose)

Number ofComputer Laboratories: Four
Each for:
(i) Senior Secondary classes with Internet facilities

(20 computers)

(ii)Secondary classes (20 computers)
(iii) Middle / Upper Primary Section (20 computers)
(iv) Primary Section (20 computers)
Number of Science Labs: 06
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths Lab, Geography, Composite Science Lab.)
English Language lab. (Under proposal)
Number of Library: 01
Number of Staff- rooms: 04

Subjectbeing taught

Nur- Upper Primary Level: English ,Punjabi, Hindi, EVS, (Science and Social Science wherever applicable),Mathematics, Divine Studies, PhysicalHealth Education, Life Skills Education , Art; Music;Computer Education.
Middle/ Secondary Level: English(Language & Literature); Punjabi; Hindi; Science &Technology;Social Sciences; Mathematics; Introductory Information Technology; Life Skills; Disaster Management.
Senior Secondary Level: English Core, English Functional, Physics, Chemistry;
Mathematics,Biology; Business Studies, Accountancy;
Economics, Accounting for Business, Introduction to Computer Application in Financial MarketManagement; Business Processing Outsources, Introduction to Financial MarketManagement, Computer Science, Information Technology.

Coveringall the four streams i.e. Medical /Non- medical/
Commerce /FMM.

Regular feature:
  • Organization of Seminar for the teachers and by the
    teachers ( 4 times in a year).
  • Workshops/ Seminars/ Refresher Course for the teachers by inviting Resource Persons.
  • To Motivate mothers of the children to make them
    more responsible towards the development of their children socially, physically and emotionally etc.
  • To make the general public aware of traffic rules by
    painting the trollies/ tractors/ truck with fluorescent
    paints particularly during marketing season of the agriculture product.
Many Studentshave completed M.B.B.S and B.D.S. on merit basis and are doing Post Graduation in respective stream. Few Students got distinction in Baba FaridUniversity of Medical Science. Similarly many students have done/ are doing degrees in Engineering in variousreputed colleges in the country.
Students got distinctionat National Level in Sports conducted by C.B.S.E , Delhi in which 22 countries participated andwon 10 Gold Medals / 6 Silver/ 2 Bronze.

Shaheed Darshan SinghPheruman Public School , G.T. Road , Rayya helped the TRUST to established the following schools.
1. Shaheed Darshan Singh Pheruman Public School, Butala
2. Jathedar Sohan Singh Jalalusman Memorial Public School, Usman
3. Shaheed Darshan Singh Pheruman International Public School, Amritsar

The school has all the necessary resources created by the efforts of worthy President S. Baljit Singh Sekhon and these resources put to effective use. Now, Shaheed Darshan Singh Pheruman Public School is the school with the potential to grow and able to maximize its potential in the field of academics and co-curricular activities.

Affiliation Type : Provisional

1. Affiliation No. : 1630043

2. Affiliation with the Board since : 01/05/1984

3. Extension of affiliation upto :  2017

Whether NOC from State/ UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? : Yes

1. NOC No. :18/10/84-2 Edu(3)/1561

2. NOC issuing date : 31/7/1984

Area of School Campus

1. In Acres : 3 Acres

2. In Sq.mtrs. : 12/40.58 sq.mtrs

3. Built up areas (sq. mtrs.) : 4046.85 sq.mtrs

4. Area of Playground in Sq. mtrs : 8093.71 sq.mtrs

5. Other Facilities

(i) Swimming Pool : No

(ii) Indoor games :  Table Tennis, Badmintion

(iii) Dance Rooms : No

(iv) Gymnasium : No

(v) Music Rooms : 1

(vi) Hostels : No

(vii) Health and Medical Check up : Available

Fee Structure for Session2013-2014
Class NUR,
Sci Com Sci Com
Annual Charges
for Old Students
6500 6500 7000 7000 7000 7000 8000 11500 11500 14500 14500 14500 14500
forNew Students
5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 5400 5950 7560 7560 8100 8100 8100 8100
Fees Per
920 940 940 1020 1180 1180 1180 1470 1470 1800 1800 1800 1800

Transport facility

(i) Own Buses : 20

(ii) Transport Charges :Rs. 600 /-

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