Mandatory Disclosure

In accordance with the C.B.S.E guidelines, you can find the mandatory information about the school that is to be published to the public domain via the school website, from this page.

You can download the mandatory disclosure information in PDF format by clicking here.

Aims And Objective

The school aims at developing among the children:

  • The ability to think, speak and write clearly and become receptive to new ideas.
  • A full, wholesome personality capable of assuming the role of a leader in social, intellectual, industrial, economic and scientific fields.
  • A burning desire to strive continuously for perfection and excellence in every field of life.
  • A high sense of discipline, team-spirit, co-operation, obedience to law, habits of hard work and courageous perseverance in the face of difficulties.
  • A spirit of nationalism and selfless service to the motherland, and to one’s fellow countrymen.
  • Sweet manners and etiquette that may inspire warmth, affection and confidence.
  • The ability to discover their latent talents.
  • Love and pride for Indian culture, moral values and our rich national heritage.

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